Friday, December 21, 2007
Class of 2K8
check out the class of 2K8 blog!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Fun with YA Books

There are some other pretty fun little games Random House has--like the King Dork one has a Band name generator--My fake band is Flat Fontanas. Snake's is the Tall Picketers.
And the Bras and Broomsticks site will quiz you to find the perfect spell to change your life!
Mine was the Love Spell--which is odd because most of my answers seemed to involve my hair...and well, I already made Snake, so I'm kinda good on the whole Love thing--but here it is incase you need:
Love Potion
½ cup grapeseed oil
¼ teaspoon
vanilla extract
1 cinnamon stick(Add two pinches of loose body glitter for extra romance!)
Mix the grapeseed oils and vanilla (and glitter, if you choose) with the cinnamon stick for about 2 minutes.
Repeat this spell over the bowl: "Love like the sun, gentle like the moon,romance abounds, one month until noon"
Pour the potion into a bottle. Apply a dab on both wrists and kneecaps. Relax and wait for the magic of love to take effect.
So 3 great YA book and 3 great time sucks... Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
All I want for Christmas...
Is anyone else getting anything special this year?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Dangerous Blog for Christmas Shoppers

Ingredients for yummy Forgotten Cookies--substitute Nestle Holiday Chips: $10
Priority Shipping of super cute cookie jar filled with yummy Forgotten Cookies to Agent: $5
Getting the email that contents had shifted during shipping and said yummy cookies had disintegrated into a pile of (wonderful agent assures me) still-yummy cookie powder: Priceless
It is almost so embarrassing as to be funny. Here are some better ideas for presents that will not disintegrate in the care of the USPS...
For young boys on your list:

And yes, there's is even one now for Dogs!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Snow Daze

Friday, December 7, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wonders of Winter

Ellen Page could also easily play Serena Moore in the movie version of UNDONE. btw...
Some winter books I'm planning to read this Christmas Break--the ominous looking Oblivion Road by Alex McAulay:

Check out Alex on the MTV Book Author's Blog-it's on my links now. Also a fun new blog I found... Ann Dee Ellis --she has funny interviews with her blog readers--maybe we should try that here one day??? OK--now I must go hunt down so yummy boy toy pictures to share tomorrow... bbs.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Twilight Zone

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Double Squee
I've already pre-ordered one copy. Aren't I cute? And I struggled with the shipping options--there is a part of me that really wants to get it as soon as possible--but I couldn't see spending $17 bucks extra just for shipping. I may decide to order another copy later and do it with 1-day shipping, but come to think of it--UNDONE comes out on July 22nd-- and on July 23nd, I think I'll be in San Fran for the RWA conference anyway... Well, anyway--I wonder if I made the first purchase?
You go be the 2nd, LOL. (but serious)