ALERT: DIANA DANG please cover your eyes!!

It's TWILIGHT week!!! Woohooo!!! And to celebrate I'm giving away a Collector's Edition of Twilight "featuring a ribbon bookmark, cloth cover, ragged edges, new chapter opener designs, and a beautiful protective slipcase, this edition is perfect for fans and collectors alike." (From Amazon's product description)
I'm kind of a sucker for that cloth cover and ragged edges business, so naturally I had to get my own copy. But I also got a copy to give away. The only catch--you have to be on Team Edward--no Edward h8ers!!! So leave a comment telling me why you love you some Edward (deadline December 2, midnight CST) and you'll be entered into the random drawing!! SQUEE!!!

Edit: Spread the word on your LJ/Blog for an extra entry! Thanks!!
WOW! What an amazing giveaway!
I love Edward because he's strong, handsome, and funny! Since he's so strong and fast, he can protect you from everthing and everyone - you'll always feel safe in his presence!
(oh wait - is that because of Jasper?) =P
/ Sara
I LOVE fabulous giveaways! Edward has always been my true love becasue he's a vampire--which is totally sexy and because he fell in love with a human (not Bella, me...he just doesn't know it yet) but when we finally meet he will totally stay with me forever and then maybe together we can fix Renesme's name. No child should have to be called Nessie. It's just wrong.
LOL <3
Love never dies when you're immortal. And I have yet to read New Moon because I saw the whole Jacob nonsense going places I didn't want to go. I'll get over it eventually, but I'm still savoring Twilight as a perfect book.
Aww, no haters? =) Okay, if I was reading Twilight a couple of years ago, I'm sure I would love Edward because of his perfection. I tend to roleplay a lot of perfect looking vampires on chat sites (I do pretty well at it to!) so naturally I would be attracted how handsome Edward is regardless of his personality. But I tend to make my vampires cruel...
I love Edward because despite the fact that he looks like the perfect vampire he is flawed. He doesn't trust himself and worries that despite the fact that he loves Bella so much he is still capable of hurting her. He may be this awesome vampire, but he still has issues like humans.
I am most definitely an Edward fan. Why? He is a romantic and always will be there for the one he loves.
Great contest. Thanks!
why i love him? becuase he is uber hot and he is the ideal person that everyone wants to marry ahahaha :)
also because he's a vampire and everyone knows that vampires are hot and sexyy
I love Edward because he's so considerate of Bella's feelings. Like when Bella wants to go see Jacob in Eclipse and Edward lets her because he knows it makes her happy. And he cares about her more than he cares about himself. Plus it doesn't hurt that he sparkles and he's really hot and a vegetarian.... Is there any reason not to like him?
Oh gosh, this is so cool!! I love Edward. Always have. Always will. I think he's very compassionate and aware of people's feelings (yes, he can read their minds...but not bella and he's great with her too!). He's always willing to try and do what's best for Bella, even if he thinks it'll hurt in the second book, and the fourth one...
I just love him. He's amazing. :)
I do not love Edward per say, I like a slightly older vampire, but i do like his grit and the way he treats Bella, chosing his desire to keep her safe over their love. I also ike that he is a vampire, fangs are always a plus in a guy. LOL!!!
Edward is pretty awesome. He is sweet, strong, and funny.
Ooo, I haven't seen this version of the book yet! It looks so *pretty*!! I'll have to add that to my Christmas list ...
What I love about Edward? Well, aside from everything that has been said, I love that he's such a gentleman!
Dude is sparkly. What else do I have to say?
I LOVE Edward. How can anyone hate him?! He's like the Romeo of present day. So sweet, adorable, and funny!
This is a great giveaway! (Being that this is one of my favorite books.) :]
I'm most definitely Team Edward. Puffballs just aren't cool anymore. :]
Edward is by far my favorite because he's... what's the word?... I can't think of the word for it, but he once he sets his mind to something, he will do anything in his power to do just that. Such as with Bella being his singer, he never hurts her or lets harm come to her.
And the fact that even though he's immortal and perfect... he's not perfect. He's still got his cross to bear and he does so quietly. The quiet martyr.
Stephenie Meyer, by far, wove him into THE perfect man (dead man walking, haha) and he's too complex, yet so simple. Not to mention that he sparkles. :D
-Em. (
I love Edward because he's blissful and can do no wrong. He's endearing and brave and is always there when you need him. He's loving and HOT and he's just sooooo GREAT!!! Plus he just has this way of making you MELT in his presence..
Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Um I don't think there is a bigger Twilight fan out there that is my age and a mom. And on top of that there is no bigger Edward fan no matter the demographics. Seriously. Want proof? Here's my story from being on the news about the Midnight Sun Leak...
You can also check out my blog for all the Twilght related posts lately...I am so excited for the movie! I have had my tickets for 3 months!
Oh ya, and the only reason why I started a blog was so that I could proudly share my photos from the Breaking Dawn Release party me and my friend Angela threw.
I litterally point out Volvos everywhere I go. I have become a Volvo magnet.
I think the video speaks for itself. I made my own "Bella's Bracelet" and I didn't care at all that I didn't have a wolf charm. Who cares about Jacob anyway? Honestly I was glad he ended up happy...but I was beyond bugged that he was so
Edward is simply perfect. His piano playing, his devotion to Bella. Sigh. The reason we all love Edward as a fictional character so much is because he is the ultimate man. Strong, sensitive, tender, yet incredibly powerful, intelligent, musical, georgeous, a vampire (I have always loved vamps!), amd most importantly, he loves everyday girl who could represent any of us.
If you aren't convinced I am the ultimate Edward fan...just ask my friends!
So if in any way I could win know I would be the most grateful winner ever!
P.S. that is a BEAUTIFUL picture. Sigh.
I know Stacey ... and she's right ... I don't know a bigger Edward/Twilight fan than her!
I love me some Edward because though he has his faults with being overprotective to me that just shows how involved he is with the one he loves. With all the jerks wandering the world right now a guy you can trust to stand by you through it all and who's only fault is loving you to much i'd pick that any day. I also love how unlike Jacob he was very respectful of Bella. He knew he needed to go slow with her and needed to let her keep her friendship with Jacob, that shows how much he loved Bella.
I so hope I win. This is a fantastic collectors editiong if I don't get it I might be buying it anyways it's so fantabulous.
Thanks for the oppurtunity!
I like his chivalrousness and gentlemanliness (if those are even real words)
Great giveaway!
I am a Team Edward fan because Edward is...perfect even if he is flawed; I know that might not make sense, but his imperfections are what make him perfect.
Of course, he also has that tall, dark and mysterious element going for him that all girls fall over each other for. He's also beautiful, kind, protective, and loving.
His love is nothing compared to that of Romeo, it's so much better. He loves Bella with his whole being; he loves her more than he cherishes his own life.
Plain and simple, there are no words to describe Edward or why so many girls love him.
I love Edward because...
1. He's a vampire
2. He's georgeous
3. He is a very kind and giving person. Okay, I was mad at him when he left Bella in book 2, but he did it to protect her (not that it worked, and it led to the WORST story line in all the novels...Jacob being a main character and after Bella but he would do ANYTHING for her.
4. He is an over-analyzer like I am
5. Gotta love that he is drop dead georgeous and literally smells wonderful all the sweaty manstink!
I would LOVE to be entered!
I posted about it on my blog! Woop another entry!
I guess I should put the link info for you...but you can get there by just clicking on my profile info too.
Way fun!
Most of the reasons that I love Edward have already been stated...I think he's what every girl hopes to find in a man. Someone who is totally in love with them, despite how they view themselves. He is polite, protective, talented, and caring. I tend to really get into him because he reminds me of my husband. :D Thanks for the chance to win this book!
I love vampires. I started reading Ann Rice books years ago and fell in love with vampires. Then Twilight came out. I read the first 3 books in 4 days. I couldn't put them down, I became a terrible mother because I stuck my daughter in front of the t.v. for those 4 days. I fell in love with Edward, in fact, I became unsatisfied with my incredible husband because he wasn't a protective vampire! It honestly took me at least a month to stop thinking about Edward 24/7 after I finished the books. Now I just think about him 23/7. I have a blog called and I posted how to do Twilight makeup just for the movie premier so everyone could look hot to meet Edward. The thing I loved about Edward, was that he made me feel that old tingly feeling that you feel when you first meet someone and fall in love. That excitement and newness. It made me remember that feeling of trembling with every touch. After being unsatisfied with my husband for that month after reading the books, I decided that I wanted those old feelings back, so my husband and I reconnected and it has been amazing for my marriage. I love Edward...
I love Edward because he is the perfect guy! He loves Bella so much that I seriously dream of an Edward for me that will love me the same. Obviously Edward has given me unrealistic expectations of men! I love Edward because he is truly the perfect guy!
Wow.. Nice book and contest..
Awesome giveaway! I love Edward because he is the epitome of the perfect man for Bella. He is strong, sexy, and so sweet.
Ahh, this is an amazing contest! I love Edward because he's perfect. Well, almost perfect. He's hot, sexy, romantic, kind, funny. Omg, he's the perfect guy!
Where I mentioned your contest:
The main thing I love about Edward: he's passionate. When he wants something, he will do anything to get it, the main example being Bella. He's determined to get things done, and he's not satisfied with things being simply okay. He strives for perfection, and while he's really stubborn he still is willing to compromise in the right situation.
And how could I forget his extreme gorgeousness? =P
I blogged about your contest here:
<3 Chelsie
I too am a fan of the cloth cover. Books deserve that kind of treatment. :)
And YES, I am team Edward all the way. He is smart, doting, thoughtful and completely sexy. I don't know if you could ask for anything more in a guy. And besides being perfect in every way, he is also a vampire which just adds to the mystery and intrigue. Who wouldn't want to live forever with a guy like him?
I've only read the first few chapters Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, so that is the only Edward I know and in it he seems slightly neurotic and I kind of love that. I'd love to read Twilight and see if more of him, since he sounds really interesting.
~ Popin
I forgot to mention that I've also posted a link of this giveaway at my blog. It's off to the side under the header, "Giveaway List."
Thanks again,
~ Popin
I love Edward because he was so hilariously brooding in the 6 minute internet clip I saw of the movie. Yep, haven't read the book OR seen the movie, but I sure would like to!
This giveaway rocks! I love Edward because he is a loving, beautiful, funny, and practically perfect vampire. He's pretty much what a lot of girls want in a man...or vampire. ;)
I love Edward because he is one of the only guys that don't automatically make me hate the Y chromosome.
Edward is strong and smart and he's a gentleman (even though he is very posessive). I guess that's why I like him.
because he is a romantuic!
kiss-of-paradise at hotmail dot com
What a great contest!
I love Edward because he is a vampire and vampires are my favorite. I like how Edward is with Bella and he is sexy, strong, and wants what is best for Bella.
I love edward because he is so strong and protective. He makes you fell lie if he was yours, nothing could harm you. I love and admire his restraint and that he has the will never to hurt bella, though his body has other ideas. He's just perfect
I am a male, so I had to think about this--why do "I" love Edward? Well I think its simple.
Regardless of who his mate is (I am NOT trying to change his sexual orientation, just looking at it from my point of view) he knows how to treat the person he loves.
I may not always agree with his decisions--but in the end he is a kind loving creature, who is devoted to Bella and would do anything for her.
Its really what many young men need to "tap" into these days and learn the "old ways" of respect!
Is that a serious question?
How could you NOT love Edward?
So my answer is simple. I love Edward because..He's Edward.
Uh... I actually like both. Edward is awesome because he's so protective of Bella despite the fact that she's human. It's slightly cliched that he'd risk everything for her, but Stephenie Meyer doesn't make it sound cheesy. He's good-looking and strong, but he's also really nice. And his language is flawless! Along with the rest of him. And RubyMouth, the Twilight vampires don't have fangs. Stephenie Meyer tried to stray away from stereotypical vampires, in fact, she even specifically asked them not to wear fangs in the movie.
Because he's a vampire (first reason) who chose to go to high school when just about everyone else is ready to get out after just *one* time ;)
Spectacular giveaway!
I love Edward because:
he's a vampire. (:
he's sweet, so ahmazing.
I wish I had an Edward to myself. :p
I blogged about it here.
i wasn't going to buy the Deluxe Edition because that would make my current copy feel bad. we've been through everything in the last 2 years, together. T.T roadtrips, dinners, out the 2nd story window (okay, long story. i'm sorry twilight!) anyway, it now looks like it's been through a paper shredder, but i still love it.
now if i won a copy... that'd be different. my first one could brag and be all "ha! you aren't worth a penny!" or something like that. maybe i shouldn't give him ideas...
ooh well. edward. hmm. i dont like the movie edward, just because no human (actor) is perfect. i like the character edward because he truly doesn't want to be a monster, and he's funny (wasn't he kinda/sorta afraid of Renesme in B.D? haha! oh and that whole part in Midnight sun partial draft where he and emmett get Ben and angela together. ooh!)
ugh. why do you torture me?!
btw i saw the twilight movie THREE times and it is GREAT! Stephenie Meyer is in the movie. And, they had Billy Black (paralyzed from the waist down, eh?) drive a car. why'd they mess up?! i better shut my mouth (or w/e) now.
Edward... is awesome! His most obvious perfection is the fact that he is so handsome... and I also think he's funny. I like the whole vampire thing, especially the powers. And he tries so hard to keep Bella safe, and he doesn't blame her when a bad situation arises. He does what he can not to physically hurt her too. I know he's not absolute perfection, but it's our flaws that make us perfect. Ooh, paradox.
I posted about the contest on my blog (I believe it's the first or second post, blog is new). -
This is a really cool giveaway!
I love Edward because he's so charming and caring. He protects the people he care about, and he has a way of making everything right.
leeangeli@yahoo dot com
Oh I sooo wanna win this contest for my sister is obsessed with Edaward. He IS the only guy she showed interest in. The sad thing is he's a fictional character. :(
Please enter me in the contest, I love Edward to because I get to make fun of my sister whenever she squeals when he's mentioned.
Book Fanatic 101
Edward - I love him because he offers immortal love - a girl's dream.
I'm on Team Edward! Well, I just simkply like Edward. I don't know why, I just do.
Please enter me:)
I haven't read the book, but I can like Edward by proxy, right? I have heard so many good things about the book, I just had to try to win it.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
Who wouldn't adore someome so young, handsome, mysterious and romantic! And his eyes are his best feature. As with all vampires. ;)
This giveaway is amazing I just LOVE Edward!!!!!! Because he's sooooooo HOT! And because he's so sweet to Bella and protective. But the #1 reason is of course because he's a VAMPIRE!!!! :)=
Well Edward is the thing we all dream of - beautiful,witty , charming ,protective and wild .
Oohh! Enter me, please. = ]
I'm on team edward because....
well... he's edward!
He can be protective, without being annoying. Humorus, without being overly out there. And he can be calm, even when everything is going all wrong.
Jacob...well, he's just a boy.
Thanks for entering me,
Edward cullen is one of the best fictional characters I have read... Love him so much... He is sweet... tough... sometimes hard to understand... and most of all he is just amazing... there are no real words that can describe him... those ones that I have said before are just ones that come to mind when I stop hyperventilating!
many as we feel the perfect love their jobs
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