I have yet to make it to the movie--so please tell me if you have and what you thought!!
ALSO: Win UNDONE + other awesome books @ Terri Clark's blog: http://terriclark.livejournal.com/
And lastly--NCTE was a blast. I was only there for like a day and a half, but I met my editor who I love and some of the Walker/Bloomsbury staff who are sooo much fun, I signed books and even had a line at one point (3 people is a line, right?) and I got to have dinner with super famous authory types--like Justine Larbalestier who is pure awesome and we both share a debilitating allergy that once scarred us but now has given us the courage to live fuller, happier lives--so we bonded over the traumas & trials of that.
But what you should be excited about is the ARCs!! Yes, I grabbed up as many as I could and will be giving them away in contests for the next several weeks. So be watching for more info on that!
I absolutely loved the movie! It was FANTASTIC! But I've heard a lot of people complaining about the randomest things, like when Bella met Jacob, who cares! Movies are different from books! Plot has to move forward as quickly as possible! The movie has to keep people engaged! For what it was, it was a great movie, but it can never equal the book. What movie ever has?
OHHH Arc's. fun stuff!
and I loved Twilight as well. I really can't wait to see it again. I'd go into more detail, but if you want to see my rants (GOOD rants) then I reviewed it on here!
p.s. want to see some sweet Twilight jewelry? interview on my blog for that too!
The movie was amazing! A little cheesy at times but still very, very good.
i entered the twilight contest (BEWARE of my post. its very long and.. well ya. ha) and i commented that i loved the movie. it lived up to my expectations (obviously, i saw it 3 times)
though that part about billy driving. that annoyed me. when you see the movie, look at Jasper's face. HILARIOUS!
ARCs! yay. actually. ive never read an ARC before. hmm. i always buy the book when it's actually released. i wouldn't mind reading one though... ;)
3 people totally counts my dear!
And you got an ARC of what? Ohmygosh don't tell me you have another book coming out! please answer.
Hello!!! brooketaylorbooks.blogspot.com is one of the best innovative websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. Keep it that way.
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