I have yet to make it to the movie--so please tell me if you have and what you thought!!
ALSO: Win UNDONE + other awesome books @ Terri Clark's blog: http://terriclark.livejournal.com/
And lastly--NCTE was a blast. I was only there for like a day and a half, but I met my editor who I love and some of the Walker/Bloomsbury staff who are sooo much fun, I signed books and even had a line at one point (3 people is a line, right?) and I got to have dinner with super famous authory types--like Justine Larbalestier who is pure awesome and we both share a debilitating allergy that once scarred us but now has given us the courage to live fuller, happier lives--so we bonded over the traumas & trials of that.
But what you should be excited about is the ARCs!! Yes, I grabbed up as many as I could and will be giving them away in contests for the next several weeks. So be watching for more info on that!