As for what makes me a geek--well I'm a book geek for sure. The sight of well-stocked bookshelves gets me tingly. Some of my fondest childhood memories involve musty libraries. I buy hardbacks whenever possible, because one day, when I'm all grown up, I'm going to have a library in my home. It's going to have floor to ceiling cases with those cool rolling ladders and everything. All of the artwork will be from illustrators AND there will be at least one shelf that is a secret doorway. Squee--I'm all excited just talking about it!!!
Anyhoo.... where were we? Ah yes--congrats Not So Closet Geeks--please email me at Brooke(at)Brooketaylorbooks(dot)com with your mailing addy!
And if you didn't win--stay tuned I have more ARCs to give away!!
Can I have that library in my house too? Seriously, every time the Beast gives Belle the library in the castle, I tear up a little. :)
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