Some of the highlights:
Does your (immortal) character appear to be much younger than she/he really is? Um, yeah--he was born in 1901 and still looks 17.
Does the character have an unusual eye color, or otherwise exceptional eyes? And are these eyes a color that does not occur in nature? Technically Topaz does occur in nature, but with all the changing of color... I'm giving this one a yes.
And will they have something to do with the plot? Yes
Does the character have eyes that somehow reflect hidden depths or experience or sorrow?
Does the character have unusual or exceptional hair, or does her/his hair get a disproportionate amount of description compared to that of the other characters? Yes-"His hair, which is always messy, retains the unusual bronze shade that he inherited in his human life from his biological mother."*
Was the character ever abducted? I consider what Carlisle did a form of abduction
Then we have more Gary Stu qualities, such as he "possesses superhuman beauty, strength, speed, endurance, and agility. His scent and voice are enormously seductive, so much so that he occasionally sends Bella into a pliant daze entirely by accident....He is the fastest of the Cullens, able to outrun any of them. Perhaps as a result of a talent for empathy in his human life, Edward can also read the mind of anyone within a few miles of himself...Edward also retains some of the traditional mindset and dated patterns of speech from his early-20th century human life."*
And all the other stuff that comes from living for so long and not sleeping--like traveling extensively, knowing many languages, being a virtuoso piano player--and there's the collecting of cars and music.
So after doing my best to answer the questions (some I couldn't because I'm not Stephenie) the findings are thus: Edward scores a whopping 147 points and "71 points or more: Irredeemable-Sue. "